Create a static website with Hugo and Host it with Github Pages
In this article, we will explain how to create a blog site that incurs a minimal cost and doesn’t need our own hosting server.
Static websites like online resume or blog sites can be created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript if you are a front-end developer. However, it can be a bit of a headache for people who are not familiar with these technologies. More importantly, if you are creating a blog site, it’s difficult to maintain uniformity in all its pages. I am going to describe how we can create a static website without the need for such technologies.
Tools Used
Getting Started
Download and install Hugo. For more details, refer Hugo’s getting started guide.
Once Hugo is installed, open a terminal and go to the folder where you want to store the code for your blog or static website
Run these commands to create a Hugo site with the LoveIt theme
Create the directory structure for your project in the quickstart directory.
hugo new site quickstart
Change the current directory to the root of your project.
cd quickstart
Initialize an empty Git repository in the current directory.
git init
Go to hugo themes and clone a theme of your choice in the themes fodler. I cloned the LoveIt theme into the themes directory, adding it to your project as a Git submodule.
git clone --recurse-submodule themese/LoveIt
Append a line to the site configuration file, indicating the current theme.
echo "theme = 'LoveIt'" >> config.toml
Start Hugo’s development server to view the site.
hugo server
Press Ctrl + C to stop Hugo’s development server.
Go to http://localhost:1313
To create a new blog entry, run hugo command. It will create a file in
hugo new post/<blog-file-name>.md
Open the newly created file in the text editor of your choice and start drafting the blog
Once you are done drafting the content, delete the contents of public folder and run hugo command to regenerate the files
Create a repo on Github and check in the content of the public folder
To publish on
GitHub Pages
, follow here. If you want to use a custom domain, please follow this.